Co-parenting with a narcissist will be one of the hardest things you will do in life. It is a never-ending battle and conflict that is not necessary. Learning to cope for the sake of your children and your own peace is essential. Finding the right tools and techniques to deal with this kind of personality will be vital to your health and your children’s well-being–A co-parenting app such as Our Family Wizard, boundaries, and you are armed with information on how to reduce stress in co-parenting or dealing with a narcissist. These are the best books on co-parenting with a…
I have done a lot of reading and research on positive co-parenting, parallel parenting, and co-parenting with a narcissist. I have experienced all situations. These are the best co-parenting books I have read and recommend for a HEALTHY and POSITIVE co-parenting relationship, specifically. Getting tips and tricks in co-parenting will help your life be at peace too. Less conflict equals less stress. A co-parenting relationship will likely be one of the most complicated relationships you will have in your lifetime. Getting to a place of understanding and peace with your co-parent takes education, boundaries, maybe the need for a co-parenting…
If you feel you will struggle with co-parenting and communication in a high-conflict divorce, these are some items I put in my child custody agreement. I am not a lawyer but I wanted extra protection and boundaries. This also applies to child custody agreements if you were not married to your co-parent. After the first modification in our decree, I felt necessary items for my and my child’s well-being dealing with a combative ex that lacks boundaries. I pushed for “extras” during mediation because they are court-ordered and can be enforced. Here are some suggestions (I am not a professional,…